Discover circular city


Here's your opportunity to engage and be a part of the movement revolutionizing Circular City Greenhouses. Dive into a world of collaboration, sustainability, and horticulture.

How You Can Engage:

Whether you're shaping city policies or driving entrepreneurial innovation, your involvement matters. Connect with us to explore how you can contribute to the evolution of urban agriculture.
Together, let's make a lasting difference and cultivate a greener and more sustainable future.

Van der Hoeven Horticultural Projects


Vrij-Harnasch 124
2635 BZ Den Hoorn
The Netherlands

+31 88 262 66 66
[email protected]

Jessie-Lynn van Egmond
Circular Development Manager
Jessie-Lynn van Egmond
Circular Development Manager
[email protected] Connect via LinkedIn
Bob Hunsche
Manager Sales
Bob Hunsche
Manager Sales
[email protected] Connect via LinkedIn
Celine Safi
Circular Design Specialist
Celine Safi
Circular Design Specialist
[email protected] Connect via LinkedIn

Fill in your details and your question, and we will contact you as soon as possible!

Meet our team

Benefit from the expertise of our international team of skilled specialists